Food, Community And All Things Sustainable

September 1, 2008

Summer food

What's your favorite summer food? Mine? Well, mine is whatever is available. I pretty much love it all - fresh corn on the cob, carrots, garlic, zucchini, patty pans, lemon grass, heirloom tomatoes, potatoes, beets, cukes, beans of all sorts, fennel, leeks, flowers, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, farmstead cheeses, summer savory, rosemary, eggplant

And I love all the great dishes one can enjoy - fresh corn and tomato salsa with cilantro, grilled eggplant with summer savory, vinegars flavored with summer herbs, heirloom tomatoes topped with a slice of fresh homestead mozzarella and basil, lemon grass tea. And how about a vase of freshly picked flowers for the kitchen table?

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